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by | Sep 26, 2024 | | Blog

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet doner turducken short ribs chicken, hamburger pig pork chop prosciutto shank swine shoulder ribeye ham hock turkey. Sausage prosciutto pork loin short ribs boudin, tail pork belly shankle sirloin shoulder tongue strip steak. Turkey pastrami drumstick pork loin, ribeye t-bone flank frankfurter beef pork chop spare ribs leberkas doner tri-tip short ribs. Chuck bacon tongue, capicola beef fatback hamburger jerky pork belly kielbasa turkey brisket salami chicken. Pork chop swine pancetta capicola meatloaf flank hamburger pork belly fatback tail bacon beef ribs. Frankfurter strip steak sausage pork ham hock shank.


Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet doner turducken short ribs chicken, hamburger pig pork chop prosciutto shank swine shoulder ribeye ham hock turkey. Sausage prosciutto pork loin short ribs boudin, tail pork belly shankle sirloin shoulder tongue strip steak. Turkey pastrami drumstick pork loin, ribeye t-bone flank frankfurter beef pork chop spare ribs leberkas doner tri-tip short ribs. Chuck bacon tongue, capicola beef fatback hamburger jerky pork belly kielbasa turkey brisket salami chicken. Pork chop swine pancetta capicola meatloaf flank hamburger pork belly fatback tail bacon beef ribs. Frankfurter strip steak sausage pork ham hock shank.

About Charlotte Hasselbarth

Charlotte Hasselbarth SmCharlotte has been involved in Presbyterian Women for 35 years and was Moderator of Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Northeast (PWSNE) from ’11-14. She was also the Synod Representative from PWSNE to the Presbyterian Women’s Churchwide Coordinating Team from ’14- July 17. Charlotte is currently the Acting Moderator for PW in the Presbytery of Albany and a member of Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church in Guilderland.

This is a Test Post Title 3

This is a Test Post Title 3

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet doner turducken short ribs chicken, hamburger pig pork chop prosciutto shank swine shoulder ribeye ham hock turkey. Sausage prosciutto pork loin short ribs boudin, tail pork belly shankle sirloin shoulder tongue strip steak. Turkey pastrami...

This is a Test Post Title 3

This is a Test Post Title 2

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet doner turducken short ribs chicken, hamburger pig pork chop prosciutto shank swine shoulder ribeye ham hock turkey. Sausage prosciutto pork loin short ribs boudin, tail pork belly shankle sirloin shoulder tongue strip steak. Turkey pastrami...

About the author

Charlotte has been involved in Presbyterian Women for 35 years and was Moderator of Presbyterian Women in the Synod of the Northeast (PWSNE) from ’11-14. She was also the Synod Representative from PWSNE to the Presbyterian Women’s Churchwide Coordinating Team from ’14- July 17. Charlotte is currently the Acting Moderator for PW in the Presbytery of Albany and a member of Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church in Guilderland.
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