Advent–It’s What We Need

by | Dec 5, 2024 | Advent, Blog, Devotional

Malachi 3:1–4; Luke 3:1-6

I’ve led worship for almost 40 years and still feel like I am sitting in the pew sometimes, wondering what to make of the first couple of Sundays in Advent. Those Old Testament prophets with their dark messages of the future, the Gospel readings that seem like doom and gloom; how do they help us look forward to the joy of that baby born who will bring us the hope, peace, joy, and love that we lift up on Sundays as we light the Advent wreath candles?

Especially this year as I am still reeling from the loss of my husband. And yet, it is this year more than others that I need that word of hope, that word of peace, that word of joy, and love.

So, in retirement, as I lead worship in four different churches this Advent season, I look for the Good News – for myself as well as for those among whom I will worship.

What I find, I have known all along – that the message of Advent has to be heard in order to know the peace of Christ.

Peace–the word for this week. Advent calls us to seek peace among ourselves, within ourselves, to know God’s peace.

Having raised five children, peace was not always possible in our house. Fighting broke out, either among the siblings or was evident in their relationships with friends. There was always something. It was the parents’ job to help try to find ways to bring peace; “say ‘You’re sorry.’, ‘Forgive your brother/friend.’ ‘Let’s talk about what really is upsetting you.’” It was never-ending. Somehow, we managed to get through it till next time. But each time, it ended with all being friends again. There was never an offense that was so great that it kept them from forgiving and moving on.

Peace–it is what we crave, what we need, what we hope for. And Advent shows us how it comes. In spite of all that is happening, all that we have experienced, we have the promise of Christmas that brings us peace; maybe not the way we expect it, but the way we need it.

So this Advent, I will look forward to the hope, peace, joy, and love that is promised. Perhaps like never before.

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About the author

Rev. Kathi Jones is an Honorably Retired member of the Albany Presbytery. She retired in 2021 after 12 years of service at First Presbyterian Church in Valatie. She also served seven years at the former West End Presbyterian Church in Albany. Kathi began her ministry on Long Island before moving to the Hudson River Presbytery, where she served two churches and worked as Interim Associate Executive. In Albany Presbytery, she has contributed as a member of the Committee on Ministers and Congregations (COMAC) and currently serves on the Albany Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team. She has also been active with Presbyterian Women of the Synod. Today, she is the Moderator for First Presbyterian Church in Hudson. Supporting churches in transition and crisis is a particular passion of hers. Kathi was married to her husband, Stark, also a retired minister, for 41 years until his passing in February. Together, they built a blended family of five children and five grandchildren. Kathi now resides with her two cats and a rescue dog from South Korea.
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