Post Election Reflections–Elder Rob Trawick

by | Dec 9, 2024 | Blog

350th Albany Presbytery Meeting Message: Elder Rob Trawick

A viewing note:
I (Rob) attempted to work out themes of discipleship and active hope for myself, and with you, in my post-election message at the 350th meeting of the Albany Presbytery. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, those participating online couldn’t hear the full message. To ensure everyone has access, I’ve recorded the sermon for you to view.

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About the author

Robert Trawick is a Ruling Elder from New City, NY in the lower Hudson Valley. He has served the PC(USA) in a number of roles at all levels of the denomination. He brings to his work a knowledge of people in the pews and the anxieties and the hopes connected with moments of change. Rob has served several Presbyteries and the Synod of the Northeast in a variety of roles, including moderator of the Presbytery of Hudson River, membership on the Synod Advisory Review Committee for Albany Presbytery, and co-chair of the Administration Commission for Susquehanna Valley Presbytery. Alongside his work with the Presbyterian Church, Rob has served for over twenty years as a professor of philosophy and religious studies at St. Thomas Aquinas College, teaching ethics and the history of Christian thought. He lives with his wife, Amanda Trigg, two cats, and (occasionally) his son Owen, who studied musical theatre at the University of Miami. Rob’s passions, in addition to ministry and education, include music and theatre.
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