The Peacemaking Task Force of Albany Presbytery

Contact: Nancy Pienta, Chair

Our Mission            

  • We invite all who yearn to make peace, including clergy and non-clergy, to join Task Force members in working to create, support, and promote peacemaking initiatives. Our current priority is addressing the critical crisis of climate change.
  • We support the Peace and Global Witness offering distribution of 75% to the General Assembly and 25% to be retained by presbyteries for local education and action.
  • We review and recommend scholarships for participation in peacemaking conferences and events.
  • We are informed by and communicate with the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, the Office of Public Witness, and relevant ecumenical endeavors.

Albany Presbytery Bottled Water Resolution Passes!



Scholarships and Funding

Please complete the Peacemaking Task Force Grant Application to apply for a peacemaking-related grant.

The Peacemaking Task Force has provided scholarships for:

  • Ecumenical Advocacy Day in Washington
  • Mosaic of Peace Conference to Israel and Palestine
  • Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Middle East Witness Delegation
  • Young Adult Volunteer in Peru
  • PC(USA) Travel Study Seminar to US/Mexico Border & Central America
  • Annual Presbyterian Peacemaking Conference at Ghost Ranch

Please complete the Peacemaking Task Force Grant Application to apply for a peacemaking-related grant.

Funding has been provided for:

  • International Peacemakers appearing locally
  • Director of Public Witness in United Nations speaking at Albany Presbytery Meeting
  • Saratoga Peace Week

Learn more information about Peacemaking, at Presbyterian Mission Agency—Presbyterian Peacemaking Program