Contact: Nancy Pienta, Chair
Our Mission
- We invite all who yearn to make peace, including clergy and non-clergy, to join Task Force members in working to create, support, and promote peacemaking initiatives. Our current priorities are 1) addressing the critical climate change crisis and 2) reducing gun violence.
- We support the Peace and Global Witness offering distribution of 75% to the General Assembly and 25% to be retained by presbyteries for local education and action.
- We review and recommend scholarships for participation in peacemaking conferences and events.
- We are informed by and communicate with the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, the Office of Public Witness, and relevant ecumenical endeavors.
Every Effort Makes a Difference
Every effort, no matter the size, contributes to the well-being of our planet. Simple actions can make a meaningful impact. Here are some initiatives already in place within Albany Presbytery churches:
- Recycling programs
- Incorporating “Creation Care” themes in worship and education
- Using biodegradable and ceramic cups/dishes for fellowship and church events
- Reducing or eliminating plastic and styrofoam usage
- Implementing energy-efficient practices in facilities
- Offering communion through sustainable means like intinction and biodegradable or recyclable cups
- Hosting community gardens
- Providing drop-off boxes for gently-used clothing and fabric recycling
Scholarships and Funding
Please complete the Peacemaking Task Force Grant Application to apply for a peacemaking-related grant.
Albany Presbytery Bottled Water Resolution